"A Celebration of the Life of James Burr Wrightsman”
December 19, 2020 at 11:00am via Zoom
December 19, 2020 at 11:00am via Zoom
Musical Prelude You're the Top / Night and Day / I Get a Kick Out of You -- Cole Porter
Diane Guernsey
Chalice Lighting by Mira Mickiewicz, adapted
Rev. Kristina Church
Reading Anita Wrightsman
Introduction Rev. Arlin Roy
*Hymn Morning Has Broken (#38)
Speakers Dan Wrightsman
Jere Wrightsman
Arthur Lowenstein
Michael Hurley
Musical Interlude More I Cannot Wish You / I'll Know -- from Guys and Dolls by Frank Loesser
Diane Guernsey
**Sharing by Attendees
Closing Words Rev. Arlin Roy
*Hymn Spirit of Life (#123)
Chalice Extinguishing by Greg Ward, adapted
Rev. Kristina Church
* All may sing but will be muted in the Zoom room.
** First, we will hear from the people joining us via video, and then we will hear from the people on audio only. This will be explained in greater detail during the service.
Diane Guernsey
Chalice Lighting by Mira Mickiewicz, adapted
Rev. Kristina Church
Reading Anita Wrightsman
Introduction Rev. Arlin Roy
*Hymn Morning Has Broken (#38)
Speakers Dan Wrightsman
Jere Wrightsman
Arthur Lowenstein
Michael Hurley
Musical Interlude More I Cannot Wish You / I'll Know -- from Guys and Dolls by Frank Loesser
Diane Guernsey
**Sharing by Attendees
Closing Words Rev. Arlin Roy
*Hymn Spirit of Life (#123)
Chalice Extinguishing by Greg Ward, adapted
Rev. Kristina Church
* All may sing but will be muted in the Zoom room.
** First, we will hear from the people joining us via video, and then we will hear from the people on audio only. This will be explained in greater detail during the service.
Thank you to all of those who helped with the service today.
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