The Board of Trustees meets on the second Monday of each month. Meetings begin at 7:45pm. We are currently meeting online. Meetings are open to any member of FUSW. If the Board enters into executive session to discuss personnel or confidential matters, non-Board will be asked to leave for that portion of the meeting. At the end of the meeting there will be an open forum, moderated by the President, during which non-Board members can speak about topics of concern. We ask that you limit your remarks to two minutes. This forum will last from five to ten minutes, depending on the Board agenda. Please contact any Board member if you have questions or comments. To access the minutes from previous meetings, visit the Members page of and click on Board Minutes Archive. Click here to join our meeting on Zoom.
And do not hesitate to contact any Board member with your thoughts, concerns, ideas, compliments, or questions.
And do not hesitate to contact any Board member with your thoughts, concerns, ideas, compliments, or questions.